Frequently Asked Questions


Question: What are your rates?

Answer: My rates are $100/hour for new design and $72/hour for website updates.


WordPress Blog: (10 hours @ $100/hour) $1,000
Small Web Sites: (8-16 hours @ $100/hour) $800-$1,600
Medium Web Sites: (30-40 hours@ 100/hour) $3,000-$4,000
Large Web Sites: (50-60 hours @ $100/hour) $5,000-$6,000

Existing Web Site Updates: $72/hour, prorated in 15-minute intervals*

New Clients (starting 10/14/11) LIKE me on Facebook and receive 1/2 hour free service ($50 value)  

NOTICE: All rates are non-negotiable.

What Should I Reasonably Expect to Pay for My New Web Site?
Basic Informational WordPress Website (Entire site easy to update) $1,000
5-7 Page Website (with updatable Wordpress blog) $1,000 - $1,500
10-20 Page Website (with updatable Wordpress blog); one form mail $3,000 - $4,000
Basic Paypal ecommerce site (1-3 products) $1,000 - $1,500
Integrated e-commerce solution (1-3 products) $1,000
Fully intergrated e-commerce store (50 products) $4,000 - $8,000*

Why Is it So Expensive to Set up Ecommerce?

The amount of time necessary to launch a particular web site will vary. A small web site can be assembled in perhaps eight to sixteen hours ($800 to $1,600). A web site of medium size can be completed in approximately thirty to forty hours ($3,000 to $4,000). Large sites can require between fifty to sixty hours ($5,000-$6,000).

Web Design $100/hour
Consulting $100/hour
Content Management/Site Updates $68/hour*
Search Engine Optimization $120/hour
Restoring/Moving Web Sites $120/hour
Video Editing $120/hour
Flash Design $120/hour
Web Writing $90/hour
One-on-one consultation $100/hour

* Regarding site updates, the rate is $72/hour prorated in 15-minute intervals. In general, the more you "lump" changes together, the more cost-effective it is for you.

Site Updates:

15 minutes: $18.00
30 minutes: $36.00
45 minutes: $54.00
60 minutes: $72.00

Minimum charger per day: $18.00 (for 15 minutes of work)

Special Rush Rates:
Design: $200/hour
Content Management: $136/hour

Rush Jobs Welcome! Your emergency is my emergency!