How to Save Costs by Requesting Web Design
Changes in an Easy-to-Follow Format
You will be more likely avoid wasted costs by submitting requested changes in a clear, easy-to-follow format. While I'm happy to make updates in any manner necessary, essentially, you are likely to save in costs by taking the time to send me change requests that are well thought out. Below are two cost-effective ways to submit web design changes.
1) Submitting Changes by E-mail
One of the best ways to do this is to copy the ENTIRE URL of the page in question first into your email — and then, after you have indicated the complete URL, describe the changes that you want to see for that page.
Here is an example of what changes sent by email might look like:
Here are my changes:
Please change the words“Why Us” in the title to "Why Choose Us"
Please remove the photos and descriptions for Ellen Sullivan and Tracy Black.
Please insert the following text after the last sentence in the first paragraph: "If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us.
Can you please enlarge the photo at the top by about two-thirds?
Your Favorite Client
2) Submitting Changes by Fax or PDF
Another way to submit changes is to PRINT the page directly off the browser (using >File >Print on a PC) and then marking up the changes on the pages that your print. (Be sure to print the pages in LANDSCAPE FORMAT to make the pages easier to mark up.) Then, you can fax the marked up pages to me at: 773-409-5411; or mail them to me at 3600 North Lake Shore Drive, No. 523, Chicago IL 60613; or use and Acrobat Writer scan the pages into PDF format.
Below is an example of what a marked up page might look like:
Print the Above Page as a PDF
Why Can't I Just Submit All the New Web Site Content in One Large Document?
It's rarely to your advantage to submit the entire contents of pages and then want the new, full text to replace the old, full text — this is because html pages usually require heavy formatting within the page, so it's NOT a simple matter of replacing old pages, the way it may be with, say, a Word document. While you may just want a couple of words changed on the page, it may take the web designer a good deal of time to reformat the entire page from scratch just to make the two changes that you have put in the middle of the page. This means more cost to you in the long run.
What Is the Most Accurate Way to Proofread My Changes?